Friday, December 4, 2009

Too Young to Be Married

Although we can still improve things, we have come a long way as regards children. At least in western culture. I've been reading a little about roman and medieval culture. Back in those days girls as young as twelve were being married. Today we consider this rape.

My recollections of being twelve are vague at best. But I have a child of thirteen, and trying to imagine this person being married is beyond my ability. It doesn't fit. I watch the children come out of school and I do not see young women and young men. I see girls and boys. How can someone look upon these children and become aroused? They're so young and innocent (to my eyes). And maybe that's what pedephilia is all about. The destruction of innocense.

Granted, back in medieval and roman times marriage was not generally based on any kind of love feelings. It was based on money and/or political strength. Children were just another piece of property to be used for selfish gain. And as everyone was doing this nobody saw it as wrong.

I wonder how it managed to change.

The concept of young marriage makes world building difficult. Especially in a culture which has become acutely aware of predator adults preying upon children and using sex as their weapon. But there are those in our own society, today, who feel that even eighteen-year-olds are too young to be married.

Some believe that the ability to produce children is proof of marriage readiness. I don't see how that can be true. Not in our society, at least. I have heard of girls as young as twelve being raped and bearing children. I think it may also be around that age that boys begin producing sperm. That's about the age of puberty. It varies from person to person, and it's more of a process than an event, I think.

I guess I am too caught up in modern thinking to accept - or create - a culture in which twelve-year-old humans are married. I look at my own child and think that would be sick. They're not ready.

But when could they be?

I wonder if in a simpler culture younger works, while in a more complex culture it doesn't. Part of being married is surviving together in the world. Western culture is fraught with so many predators of varying kinds that the only way a young marriage could work would be if they lived at the home of one or the other's parent/s or guardian/s. For protection.

I kind of use that approach in my worldbuilding. Sometimes. When I have a culture which allows young marriages, sixteen or seventeen, it is because the couple will continue to live in the home of either the bride's or groom's parents. But I suppose I am still affected by modern thinking because I never have thirty-year-old men marry sixteen-year-old girls. For the most part, I have my marries fairly close in age.

And yet that was not how it was done in real life. But that was a different culture in a different time.


fairyhedgehog said...

Does it also depend on life expectancy? If you're only going to live till 30, then marrying young makes sense.

Wings in the Night said...

That's a good point.

Sarah Laurenson said...

Yes, FHH, good point.

There are cultures today where children are married off to older men. They are supposed to be better off as the family tends to be poor and nearly unable to feed them and the new husband takes over that duty. And the child is supposed to not be touched until she is 'of age', but that's not happening. Of course, this only applies to the girls.

I look at it as an act of power and control rather than one of sex. My experience is that the abuser is one who has severe control issues - a young child is easy to manipulate and overpower. It is the outlet of an immature coward with an inability to deal with adult issues and situations; as well as little to no impulse control. They are emotionally stunted, have low self esteem and a lot of anger. And apparently they also lack the desire to change and mature. Recidivism rates with pedophiles is very high.

Wings in the Night said...

Just recently on our local news there was another report about a Morman in Utah who had two or three "wives" under the age of sixteen. While I am not against multiple spouses, or same gender spouses, or anthing like that, in my mind it must be between consenting adults. Not fourteen-year-old girls. (And it nearly always is a girl, isn't it?)

I think you are right, Sarah. It is about the ease with which even a sick adult can manipulate a child.

Sarah Laurenson said...

Happy New Year!!!

Wings in the Night said...

Thanks, Sarah.

Sorry I've been away. It's been a busy time and I don't always know what to post.